Monday, March 22, 2010

lesson 2

We started our lesson by singing the welcome song.

Next, we continued with these questions & answers and greetings.

The kids very much enjoyed singing this ABC song from you tube. We just sang the first part. We don't want the kids get too confused for now, right? :)

This week we tried saying and signing the ABC's (From this web site )and will continue that the next few weeks. We'll add the phonetic sound of each letter in our next lesson. Here's a great demonstration in English for the American Sign Language ABC. If you already know the benefits of learning sign language particularly with a young child, then you will also believe that sign language is very helpful in learning a foreign language. This has worked for us in Spanish class, so I will apply it here and there for German class as well. Sometimes we'd first ask the kids for a certain word, but only after we did the sign, they could think of the word. It's amazing!

We reviewed the numbers from 0-10 by counting objects and then pretended to call our friends by saying their phone numbers out loud. We used this work sheet from to write our friends numbers down.

Lastly, we sang our good bye song from lesson 1.

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